By Lauren Burrell, Virginia State University
Do you ever feel like enough is enough…
Breathing, waking up, holding it in,
sucking back fresh tears threatening to break the crevice of your tear ducts
With pupils swarming with an angry red the obscures all the white.
Do you ever feel like enough is enough…
Sleeping all day, and staying up all night
Like a vampire, but instead depression is sucking the life out of you.
Do you ever feel like enough is enough…
When happiness seems fleeting and unreachable
But sadness is always ready and attainable
Do you ever feel like enough is enough…
When life feels like a chore, or a nagging parent that says
“Oh did you fill this out…
“What about the applications to grad school…
“Or what do you want to with your future”,
When you desperately want to say,
I don’t really see myself having a future.
Do you ever feel like enough is enough…
When you would rather sleep all day in a coffin like state, instead of being up
Or when you’d prefer to not wake up at all
Enough is Enough…