By Shamia Thompson, Virginia State University

Photo 15005262 © Elena Ray |
Start at the end.
Where all my dreams and aspirations come true.
The things I dreamt of as a child have been accomplished through and through.
The college graduate who was too hard on herself. A perfectionist that wanted to start fresh.
Life caught up easily and was followed by her past life.
A class clown who had high expectations. No work, No effort
A “popular loner” who was always misunderstood. The one who fears stability; Maybe because my mother didn’t have the ability to stay in one place.
Frog face.
Miss. Obsessed
That one cheerleader that could never pass a test. She was smart but not shown through her work.
Went through 3 schools in just one year.
Sleeping on the floor didn’t help put me into gear.
Shelter to Shelter
Heart to Heart
The only way I could express myself was through the arts.
My peace of mind was not disturbed when those lights were in her face, the stage and feet remain in the same place.
To crack the code, you must get from Point A to Point B
Being fought over then just for her to grow up and be a side character. Police in the streets because you couldn’t choose.
The whole time you were abused.
The sexual assault you endured as a child could never stop you from aiming so high.
This is an ode to Me.
I am a Gem, I am walking proof of Herstory
From birth you made sure that everyone knew your story.
This is the beginning.
About the Author
Shamia Thompson, Virginia State University
Shamia Thompson is a rising senior English major from Brooklyn, New York. Writing has been her safe haven since her adolescent years. She has been writing poetry and non-fiction most of her life but has been interested in writing fiction, lately, as well. After graduation she aspires to become an immigration lawyer and work as a proofreader in the publishing industry.